


Neurotic Way of Thinking: Giving Up Worrying Too Much

Neurotic Way of Thinking: Giving Up Worrying Too Much I was startled to see that my last update was in October of last year. Has it really been that long? I had a lot of things I wanted to write, and every time, I wrote them down in the No…

The Risk of Losing Humanity Through AI

I asked GPT for an English translation. When making the request, I phrased it as if I were asking a human. However, GPT doesn't have emotions, so there's no real need to ask politely. From an efficiency standpoint, it takes more time and m…

Using GPT‐4

I was literally taken aback by the advancements in technology. It had the capability for voice input and output. In other words, I could interact with GPT. Moreover, when I input in Japanese, it could respond in English, German, and other …

I feel frivolous by putting my thoughts into my own words.

As the title says. I don't think so about people's sentences or conversations, but about mine. But I still do. I try my best to put into words what I was feeling, but looking back, I think it is sharrow. I think this is because I have been…

A new form of questioning

"Why do I have to do this?""Is this something I have to do?"Don't I have to do this?" No, no, no. It's my job. I have to do it.I'm just saying I don't want to do it. I don't want to be a dick.I'll just shut up and get on with it. No, but..…

Fundamental problem

Recently, I have been thinking more about the family. Each time I did, I thought about why my father and mother had such attitudes and habits. This naturally led me to think about their father and mother i.e. my grandparents. After much th…

It was hard to remember the past

During the seminar on developing leadership skills for junior staff, it was hard to remember the past. I was subjected to abusive language that negated all aspects of my humanity. Being subjected to severe violence. Even more tragic,I real…

Maybe it's a good thing I don't live in the city

Maybe it's a good thing I don't live in the city. If I had moved to Tokyo, I would have killed myself by now.Crushed by a sense of inferiority and my smallness. Now I am slowly coming to terms with my smallness here in the big countryside.…

Dear M

The Effects and Benefits of English Education at My school as I Perceive Them I caught a glimpse of the effectiveness of M's classes from an incident on a business trip that took place just before the reunion.Based on this inspiration, I w…

About my work

Dear Johnny As you know, I'm a very self-conscious person.The introspection work is the kind of work that I would die if I didn't do it for myself anymore.I go about it exactly as literally as if I were breathing.But this act of introspect…