



街では最近、おしゃれをしている人をよく見かけるようになりました。 あちらでもおしゃれさん、こちらでもおしゃれさん。 量産型と言い切ってしまうほど、わかりやすくも安っぽくもありませんが、なんとなく規則性というか、セオリーのようなものを、 彼ら彼…

Dear M

The Effects and Benefits of English Education at My school as I Perceive Them I caught a glimpse of the effectiveness of M's classes from an incident on a business trip that took place just before the reunion.Based on this inspiration, I w…

About my work

Dear Johnny As you know, I'm a very self-conscious person.The introspection work is the kind of work that I would die if I didn't do it for myself anymore.I go about it exactly as literally as if I were breathing.But this act of introspect…