

What I've Been Thinking About Lately


There is often a difference between "what we are indoctrinated to do" and "what we truly should do" .

When we encounter things that are physiologically difficult or feel resistance, if we observe our surroundings while thinking for ourselves, we can see what we really should do Intuitive events can trigger us to start thinking logically.And we should maintain the attitude of calling out what is wrong.


Is "buying expensive things leads to better results" really our real intention?

Even if they last longer, do we end up buying something meant to last 10 years every 2 years or so? I tend to do that type of thing. Buying expensive items becomes an excuse. "I bought it because I wanted it" "I got bored of the old design and wanted a new one" Are you using "buying expensive things is cheaper in the long run" to cover up those uneasy feelings? I think I am covering it up. If that is what I will do, I want to be honest with myself.


The dilemma in relating to parents

If things continue, I worry my mother will develop dementia like my grandmother .But if I keep in frequent contact, due to her personality, she may become overly dependent on me.Which could cause me to have a hard time too .If I feel I have to do something and take it all on myself, I'll become manic, and then depressed from exhaustion.I need to be aware that "taking care of my parent's potential dementia" is just one of my many jobs

= Not getting too absorbed in it

Likely, any willful activity of trying to make someone do something or steer them in a certain direction can trigger manic states .This probably applies to parenting as well.

Not ignoring it, but not getting absorbed in it either.

I've been interested in this idea lately that arose in French care facilities called "Humanitude".