

What If High School Students Created a Company to "Deliver Good Grades" to Parents as Customers?

Parents often tell children "Studying is your job."


So what if high school students created a company to "deliver good grades" to parents as customers? They could negotiate pricing for delivering their grades to their parent customers.


Studying in school is completely different from self-motivated learning. There is competition and long confinement periods. Company employees may get paid just for being there, but high school students work extremely hard studying yet get no money. They are compared to others, and the subjects they study harder in often become useless once in society. Surprisingly, after graduation, many adults say to their kids "experiences are more important than school subjects."


I guess my idea is a good answer toward this contradiction. Students can learn the mechanism of the real (capitalist) society and motivate themselves to get good grades through business plans, process management, cost management, price negotiations, etc. To ensure trust, have parent-teacher conferences act as "third-party auditing committees." Pay would be full commission, not hourly wages. If targets aren't met, maybe have a penalty of issuing bonds and letting them restart the company.As a company, they'd pay taxes too. Parents can decide what counts as taxes, but children can also argue their decision. Wow, it's politics!

It seems it could be good practice for the real world.

This suggestion is half-joke, but it is meant as an antithesis to the overly competitive school environment, with the real aim being to make students realize studying can be enjoyable without money (no need for good grades as rewards to enjoy learning).

The point isn't "study to get paid" but rather "learn about the real world in an interesting way."

I wonder if that would come across?

Children are exposed to the abnormalities of the societal system as soon as they enter school. Perhaps the responsibility as parents is to contemplate together with them what they feel is wrong.



If I were still a student, I would definitely choose this topic for this year's presentation contest.